Our Early Advising Profile Building Consulting discussion of 1 hour includes:

1. Profile analysis – An in depth analysis of your individual profile

2. Schools matching – Tentative Aspirational, Realistic and Safety schools you can look at given the current profile and aspirational schools if we extensively pursue profile building (Details below)

3. Profile Building – A detailed analysis of various aspects to build, enhance and implement to build the holistic profile including aspects such as:

a) Curriculum you should choose going forward

b) Subjects based on your future degree choice

c) Specific Extracurricular activities that can have an impact on the application

d) Specific social impact causes / community service activities

e) Online / offline courses / certifications / exams / projects / competitions / portfolios that will positively affect the application

f) Internships / Shadowing at appropriate companies based on your degree choice

g) Passion Project / Building your X-Factor to further show your interest in your future degree choice

h) Prepare a Timeline with above suggestions shared and answer any questions that might help!

Cost: Rs. 20, 000 + tax for a 1 hour Early Advising Consulting of the above with a 15 min follow-up 2 weeks afterwards

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